I frequently get phone calls or messages from friends and family who have seen a doctor, but they still have no idea what’s going on. I also have had friends and family members who were not receiving the best care, and I have helped them navigate the healthcare system to get the help that they needed.
I started this company to help people who don’t happen to be related to a doctor understand their health and healthcare in very down to earth, easy to understand language. The New King James Bible says in Proverbs 4:7 " Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting, get understanding.”
I am here to help you understand.
What We Do Not Offer
Medical Treatment- This site provides information and recommendations only. No medications will be prescribed. No tests will be ordered.
Services Provided
Single Visit Review
You’ve been to a doctor, urgent care or ER recently for a problem, but you don’t understand what they told you or you don’t know what to do next.
You will be required to upload your medical record for a single visit.
You may be asked to fill out a questionnaire
You may choose to get an answer by message or by phone
Single Condition Review
You have a single ongoing health problem for which you’ve made multiple visits to a provider(s)
You will be required to upload all of your medical records related to the problem.
You will be required to fill out a questionnaire
You will receive a response by message and by phone (if requested).
Comprehensive Review
You have numerous complicated ongoing health problems that you would like reviewed and explained to figure out the best next steps.
You want a second opinion.
You think you may be a victim of malpractice and you’d like your care reviewed.
You got turned down for disability and you’re not sure why
May require multiple messages and phone calls
$300 retainer for 2 hours of review plus $125 per hour for each additional hour required to review the case.